Please note the following points when contracted to supervise a room being operated by an outside Production Company:


  • You are there to assist the Production Company interface with the building and equipment. You should therefore familiarise yourself with these and other vital equipment operating guidelines (for example, maximum loads for lighting bars etc.). If you are unsure about any guidelines, please ask your Technical Planner.
  • If you are requested to perform any functions other than assisting the Production Company interface with the building and equipment this should be reported to your Technical Planner, unless this has been highlighted in advance as part of your role.
  • You must be with the Production Company personnel at all times unless the room is not in use. This is to assist the Production Company and also ensure they do not misuse equipment, damage fixtures and fittings or undertake anything without due regard to Health & Safety in the building.
  • It is important that the Production Company personnel know your role and where you are at all times so that you are available should they require your assistance. Therefore, we ask you to introduce yourself at the beginning of the day and let them know how to contact you throughout the day.
  • If you are asked for information and you are not sure of the answer, you must check with the Technical Planner or a permanent member of staff before providing a response. Please do not give advice about any equipment that you are not familiar with.
  • You must ensure that the Production Company adhere to Control Room rules regarding food, drink and smoking.