EICC Environmental Policy Statement

Edinburgh International Conference Centre Limited recognises the role it has to play and its responsibility in achieving environmental best practice and continual improvement throughout its conference centre (EICC) business activities, wherever this is practicable and economical.

In operating EICC, the Company is committed to prevention of pollution and to reducing any negative impact of its operations on the environment.  We shall endeavour to limit these impacts where reasonably practical and will conform to GTBS (Green Tourism Business Scheme; a national environmental scheme for tourism), ISO 14001 (the International Environmental Management Systems standard) and other environmental legislation and regulations.  The Company will set annual targets and objectives to improve its environmental performance.  These objectives and targets will be achieved through working together with our shareholder, our clients, our suppliers and other members of the Tourism / Conference Industry.  The results will be published internally and made available externally by the end of 2023.

EICC will undertake to help every employee to understand and implement the relevant aspects of this policy in their day-to-day work through the regular communications of objectives and targets, action plans and achievements which will be regularly reviewed.

In order to help provide a more sustainable tourism and hospitality industry, Edinburgh International Conference Centre gives preference to employing persons who live in local communities and using locally produced/supplied products and services.  Through close co-operation with all interested parties the Company will seek products and services with minimal environmental impact wherever it is prudent to do so. With systematic implementation of energy, waste and transport policies and the use of other resources, the Edinburgh International Conference Centre will set a new standard for the industry to follow and help in making Edinburgh a pleasant environment to live and work.

Sustainability at EICC

At Edinburgh International Conference Centre Ltd. (EICC) we LOVE our environment. EICC recognises the existential threat that is climate change and the effect it will have on water resources, agriculture, biodiversity, natural ecosystems, society, and human health.

The Company believes that it is important for it to do everything it can to minimise emissions while maximizing its positive economic and social impacts. In this respect the EICC will:

  • Set its own targets for reducing emissions leading to “Net Zero” CO2e emissions in 2030.
  • Ensure it complies with all relevant legislation.
  • Carry out regular environmental audits to ensure the organisation is meeting its aims with regards to energy efficiency, emissions, and its environmental management system.
  • Ensure accreditation by the most robust organisations working in event sustainability.
  • Partner for action locally, nationally, and internationally.
  • Ensure the UN SDG’s are factored into strategic and operational decision making wherever practicable.

EICC commits to the following:

  • Customers: We will strive to work together with our customers to minimise environmental impacts and maximise opportunities for stakeholder education and engagement.
  • Suppliers: We will inform, involve, and influence our business partners and suppliers on issues relevant to developing an environmentally responsible culture.
  • Legislation: We will comply fully with all relevant Environmental Legislation.
  • Planning and Development: We consider environmental best practice in new projects and refurbishment.
  • Resource Management: We monitor our Building Management System and take positive steps to maximise efficiency.
  • Waste Management: Through our waste management partners, EICC will continue to recycle or reuse up to 100% of waste originating from its operations.
  • Environmental Protection: We aim to protect the environment by the prevention of pollution.
  • Purchasing: Preference will be given to those products/services that have minimal or beneficial impact on the environment.
  • Noise: We actively monitor and minimise any noise pollution originating from the EICC’s operations.
  • Transport: Through our desk to door policy, we encourage and enable staff, clients and delegates to use the most sustainable mode of transport possible to reach our building.
  • Conservation: As a company, we actively support multiple environmental initiatives and, through our carbon mitigation programme, in 2022, we established a partnership with RSPB Scotland to fund vital peatland restoration work in Scotland.
  • Communication: We are committed to publicising our Sustainable Events Policy and achievements as widely as possible. Our annual sustainability report will set our short, medium, and long term objectives and will commence in Q4 2023.

The above categories cover a wide range of initiatives, targets and recommendations.


Better events, better for the planet

Find out more about our sustainable events programme, including our peatland restoration initiative in partnership with RSPB Scotland.

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